How to Protect Your Dental Implants

Dental Implants Fort Worth, TX

Dental implants are one of the options you get to choose from if you are missing one or more teeth. A growing number of people are opting for implants thanks to the convenience that comes with them and their bone tissue preserving properties. Dental implants are rods/screws that are inserted into the jawbone to serve as an artificial root. Implants can be fitted with crowns or other prosthetics like dentures or bridges.

Taking care of dental implants

Implants are a long-lasting solution for missing teeth, and you can get more out of these prosthetics by taking proper care of them. Implants will often last the rest of the patient's life if they are properly maintained. Here are some simple things you can do to increase the longevity of your dental implants:

1. Refrain from smoking

Any form of tobacco slowly destroys many of the tissues found in the mouth. Smoking also significantly slows down the rate at which a person's gums heal after the installation of implants. Smoking continues to cause problems even when the implants have fully fused with the bone tissue holding them in place.

People with a strong dependency on tobacco products might not be good candidates for implants. It is best for smokers who plan on getting implants to quit the habit prior to their treatment.

2. Practice good oral hygiene

Getting rid of plaque buildup on teeth surfaces helps to keep implants in good condition. Plaque is a clear film that forms on teeth surfaces after meals. Plaque is a haven for oral bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease, and it will solidify and turn into tartar when left on teeth surfaces for extended periods.

People with dental implants can prevent plaque buildup by brushing twice each day and flossing once daily. An antibacterial mouthwash can also help to keep the mouth plaque-free.

3. Clean interdental spaces regularly

A toothbrush can only do so much when it comes to removing plaque and it cannot be used to clean the spaces between. Patients should floss daily or use an interdental brush to keep the spaces between their teeth and the sides of their implants clean. Make it a habit to clean these spaces even when it seems like there is not much there to clean.

4. Visit a dentist twice a year

Regular visits to the dentist are just as important to keep your implants in good condition. The patient gets an examination and a cleaning. Diagnostic tests like x-rays can be used to create a detailed picture of the implant and to detect any developing issues.

Come explore dental implants

Replace your missing teeth with implants. Call or visit our Fort Worth clinic to learn more about dental implants and how to properly take care of them.

Let's get started…

Request an appointment here: or call Riverside Dental at (817) 210-4082 for an appointment in our Fort Worth office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Dental Implants in Fort Worth, TX.

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